Sunday, September 27, 2009


I've made a few changes to the map since last writing about it. I've found a way to expand it beyond a mere 5 to 10 minutes to a good 15 to 20, I believe, but I won't be sure till I get it into a playable state. Unfortunately, it's still a ways off from that, but I've been making some, albeit small, progress. My biggest issue with it so far, and why my mapping progress has taken a nose dive is due to the fact that the story grew from something that was relatively simple, into something far more complex by trying to add in morality, a subject that has yet to be accurately explored by the medium up to this point. It certainly isn't easy to tackle for a single writer/mapper trying to write something that tackles a subject that the professional developers have yet to. Ambitious, sure, but not easy considering I'm trying to make this my first public release.

I will be spending the next few days going over and rewriting what I can, so that it will be a little more open ended. Perhaps I'll return to my original story arc, and leave this heavy issue for a later release, maybe after I've released some...

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