Friday, September 18, 2009


1. Formal lack of pattern or organization
“entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity”
2. A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system.
3. A measure of the loss of information in a transmitted message.
4. The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.
5. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.
(Taken From []'s article "
Entropy, performance and gameplay" without permission.)

For the sake of this post, I'll be using the 2nd, 3rd and 5th definitions. The system will be any and all types of communication.

It is impossible to communicate at 100% efficiency, to convey the exact thought in which you are thinking. An individual's mind is too complex to generate the exact same complex thought in another individual without some variance occurring. It could be said then that this variance is something I'm calling "thought rot". The severity of rot is determined by the amount of entropy of any given communication system.

There is a variant level of entropy depending on whether the idea being conveyed is a logical or creative. In creative thought, the idea is abstract. In the verbal communication of any creation, there occurs a form of thought rot that deteriorates the idea, and it deteriorates based on each persons level of communication skills, as well as the number of times the idea is communicated.

This is why I think mods and projects that are created using more than 2 or 3 core people tend to not be able to progress to a finish, or finish with a more convoluted idea than the original iteration. When you keep a close, tight team (from my observations, and I could be wrong) the mod tends to actually come out, and come out closer to it's original idea (Minerva is one excellent example done by a lone mapper) than if it was released using a larger team.

Lake Wobegon...

The Lake Wobegon effect designates the human tendency to overestimate one's achievements and capabilities in relation to others (in academic sources this is more usually called the above average effect or the better-than-average effect).

Gameplay and game creation challenges occur in many different forms, but this one is more prominent forms that I'm interested in. This (I've been told) occurs most often in multiplayer games, in the form of players going in to a multiplayer match, expecting to do well, and being let down. The problem is that the player believes that their skills are far more superior than they actually are. I'm curious about how this would manifest in a singleplayer game. In what mindset do players come into a game? Do you, as a player start playing a game thinking that you can beat it no

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


What am I to do? This wonderful feeling of being in mental and creative restraint is, quite plainly, driving me mad. Part of it isn't even the feeling of restraint, but rather the feeling of inadequacy towards my works. It's proving hard to get past. The feeling that everything you've done, and everything you'll do won't matter. It's like you're being dragged down, thrashing, but try as you might, there's nothing you can do that will prevent the inevitable.

It's something I'll have to ignore. I'll take a break and come back to it. Not, long, but just enough. Focus on other things, and work towards other projects. I'll come back when I start feeling better.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of Novels...

I'm surrounded by narration on all sides. Books, movies, games, fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, and reality. It's becoming harder and harder to write anything with every passing minute, as with each minute, a new story is being told somewhere. How can I write anything worth reading, hearing, seeing, or playing with the mass saturation of material that exists out there. Some of that material is very good, but most, is well... I'm not a critic, but quality is getting harder to find as well.

How does one write anything without treading on those that have came before, but still being interesting enough to read now. How does one achieve true originality that is so highly sought after, yet is so easily obtained by a select few.