OneWebDay is a day when users of the World Wide Web are encouraged to show how the Internet affects their lives. It is held on September 22. The purpose of the event is to globally celebrate online life. The goal of celebrating OneWebDay each year is to create and make visible a global constituency that cares about the future of the Internet.
- Courtesy of Wikipedia
I would say, that the web has really expanded my life through providing me resources to learn, communicate ideas (regardless of other peoples value of those ideas), and share almost all mediums. In a lot of way, I think that last part is one of the best. Thanks to the web, people can access mediums and material that they might not have been able to access. I also know that not all are exactly happy about this ability, though I think that this ability will expand people's interest in the world, as it has mine.
Thanks to the web, I personally have read books I would have never read, seen classic films I might not have otherwise watched, and experienced and became involved in things that I would have otherwise be oblivious to. The web has changed the way I experience the world, and hopefully, I'll be able change the web for the better...